In the moment: Pick up your camera
This blog input has nothing to do with camera accessories, sensor dust, shooting locations, or problems with cameras
Today I want to indulge in some philosophy about photography and living life in today’s information saturated, highly distracted world.
When I pick up a camera, place myself in an environment with images I want to capture, and start shooting away—I immediately know whether I will have a good “shooting” day or when it’s more than likely going to be disappointing. ZEN-like, I am in the moment, my hands on the camera feeling the timing of shots and really sensing the environment. It’s gestalt and it will physically and aesthetically be a good day.
Tweeting, text messaging–thumbs at the ready, head down, clicking away with little bursts about daily living–we fail to SEE and FEEL the moment we are living.
Photography is all about the moment. Light. Shadows. Expression. Movement. Interrelationships. Color. Visual ironies. Emotions. How precious it is when we see it, even more miraculous when we can capture it in our camera.
The little book, The Present is a play on words. The present of life is living in the presence of the moment. Each breath, sight and movement is a gift.